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Written by B.duQuesnay

Published in BOOYA Magazine Winter 2017

 The public has been increasingly divided over matters of excessive policing practices such as stop and frisk, police militarization and police brutality due to the impartiality of mainstream media sources and false reports conflicting with video evidence while the public receive few convictions and little justice.

 With the Anti-BlackLivesMatter movement started from alternative facts and alt-right web sites that use the dog whistles and hate propaganda to claim that the BlackLivesMatter movement is a “false narrative” while spreading the fears of a “white genocide”. The Alt-Right and right-wing hate groups and supporters like David Duke have aligned themselves with Trump’s “America First” agenda. It was also the first time that the entire US police union has fully endorsed a US presidential candidate, to my knowledge. The FBI has also filed a report in 2005, that there was a concerted effort to recruit and hire members from hate groups such as the KKK. The investigations of several US police forces that the KKK and several Alt-Right groups have been infiltration law enforcement and the military in the US for some time. Since then, there have been many reports of officers bearing Neo-Nazi tattoos and the exposing of officers racist comments on Facebook, Twitter and even written upon the walls inside the Police departments themselves.

 This has help to galvanized the Alt-Right and the US police, who both have the support of Donald Trump and vise-versa.  This has help give way to the discourse many like Sheriff David Clarke and others have been able to stir up against any activist groups, movements or opposition that it sees fit to demonize, defame and demoralize.

 In direct contrast to the growing outrage and almost daily videos of unarmed black men dying at the hands of police did little to win the empathy of the ideologically far right. I may seem that the public pressure of videos contradicting police accounts as well as the growing support for the BLM movement lead US police to counter with their own movement as BlueLivesMatter to raise money and support for police much in the way that George Zimmerman and officer Darren Wilson found financial and moral backing and support from the public as well as ALEC and the NRA.

 Soon, began the narrative of the “war on police” promoted by R.Giuliani and Sheriff David Clarke, whom both described the BlackLivesMatter movement as the “Black KKK”. Yet, despite the BLM outcry since Trayvon civil rights and justice movements and are being attacked as communist, politically correct or just Anti-American while rallying behind the Putin idolizing president. The president has expressed his interest in expanding ‘stop and frisk’ and promises to be the ‘Law and order President” in addition to his anti-immigrant, Mexican and Muslim stance.

 Using the galvanizing of the ‘Alt-Right’ to build a disdain for the BLM movement and their ‘Liberal supporters’ the BlueLivesMatter movement has pushed forward a new bill that makes resisting arrest a hate crime despite the police being a religious organization, race or identified minority at risk. In fact, statistic have shown that policing in the US is a very safe job. In addition, the so called war on police has more Caucasian police murders than Black and has not significantly risen in some time. In fact, our society has become safer in may instances.

 Coupling the police agenda with the anti-protest agenda that is emerging from the new US administration’s bills in a direction that would criminalize protesting and decriminalize the vehicular manslaughter of drivers who might happen to hit them. To many this sounds like another open dog whistle for alt-right extremism and an open call to violence against citizen expressing freedom of speech. A very dangerous line is being drawn between authoritarianism and activists with the same laws labeling police decent and resisting arrest as “hate crimes”.

 The BlueLivesMatter movement and the Blue Lives Bill that has made police officers a protected group in addition to the laws that already protect officers and despite  . As North American laws already have resisting arrest, give false evidence and assaulting or killing police are heavily punishable offenses. Some of these perceived offenses and police based laws are already being abused by giving the police a right to kill as long as they say the victim was resisting arrest. 

 As not only will giving the police state military weapons but punitive laws only puts society on a race towards a police state, fascism and despotism. It is the media propaganda machine working on own personal biases that are being used to deny others justice. In doing so, we allow for the injustice to flourish. As the dividing line of race will not keep you safe from police violence. We all deserve justice and when you deny it to others you will also in effect be denying your own rights for justice as well. It’s not just a police state for just for some, but will soon be a police state for all. The BlueLivesMatter movement and the Blue Lives Bill that has made police officers a protected group in addition to the laws that already protect officers and despite  . As North American laws already have resisting arrest, give false evidence and assaulting or killing police are heavily punishable offenses. Some of these perceived offenses and police based laws are already being abused by giving the police a right to kill as long as they say the victim was resisting arrest. 

 Giving the local police forces military weapons as well as punitive laws only puts society on a race towards a police state, fascism and despotism. It is the media propaganda machine working on own personal biases that are being used to deny others justice. In doing so, we allow for the injustice to flourish. As the dividing line of race will not keep you safe from police violence. We all deserve justice and when you deny it to others you will also in effect be denying your own rights for justice as well. It’s not just a police state for just for some, but will soon be a police state for all.

 The 2016 US presidential candidate race has certainly held it’s focus on the candidate with the highest television rating and focused most of there sights on the millionaire/billionaire TV reality show host and now president elect Donald Trump. Many never thought that a candidate so ripe with flaws and blatant racism, sexism and xenophobia could have been able to gain such a high political seat. Not to mention that this candidate has no prior political history or experience, a thinly veiled racist populist has taken hold of the US political system called the alt-right. 

 In an electoral win that has ISIS, Russia, KKK and white nationalists and anybody else with any interest in the downfall of the US are openly celebrating Donald Trump’s victory, many in north America and abroad are very concerned  about the direction of the world’s most powerful nation under such a controversial leader. With cabinet positions such as Steven Bannon, Jeff Sessions and endorsements from David Duke and the KKK, there should be no surprise in the allegations of support Trump has for alt right nationalism. Along with the alt right alternative media spinning propaganda on ISIS, #BlackLivesMatter and the illegal Mexican immigrant threat to stoke the flames of the alternative fact loving right wing anti-government trolls and detractors. 

 As a candidate, Trump seemed less than acceptable with sexual assault charges coming from several women, one claiming a previous assault was against a minor. Despite his blatant attacks on women, bragging about inspecting underage models in changing rooms, his racists attacks and his xenophobia against Mexicans and Muslims the support of many US voters whether drawn by racism or false populism gave their support. But due to his unconventional style, poor voter turn out, targeted social media trolling and the help of WikiLeaks and possibly that of Russia to win the election. Not to mention the seemingly never ending investigations of Hillary Clinton as well as her and Bill’s past political discrepancies that had been so easily used to fuel conspiracy theories and used in alt right political attacks such as #Pizzagate.

Many of Trump’s supporters point to his business past, but it appears to be in an utter mess very much like he so often describes US inner cities. Among the thousands of lawsuits against Trump, many whom have had the privilege of doing business with Mr. Trump have said that they felt like they were doing business with a sleazy mobster. That may be more truth than fiction, as it has been said that Donald has done much of his business with the underground world of Real Estate in the Manhattan area known to be controlled by the Mafia and underground criminal groups.

On policy and agenda, it seems that the US elected president’s cabinet are poised to dismantle the entire Federal government and the agencies that protect the interests and safety of it’s citizens and is instead more concerned about removing the barriers for big business and the wealthy elite to profit and bend the rules for self gain. More importantly are the attacks on the constitutional rights of it’s US citizens whom this president elect has promised to protect. But the newly elected US leadership has almost immediately attacked and/or shut down important regulators like the EPA, Government Ethics councils and scientific communities  as well as the information that they make available. 

 In addition to the chastising on the free press, women’s rights, ethical government accountability, science and environmental regulations, the current US administration has also taken to dismantal any achievements made by the former president such as Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act and MedicAid.

 It is very clear that the platform of division and hate that the elected candidate had run and rallied  his campaign on and has agitated already tense divisions of race, class and sexism that have been the struggle of many in the US. Though the elected US administration has taken a road towards bigotry, hate, sexism and fascism it has inspired many to resist. Many grassroots organizations and movements have sprouted like wildfire across the US. Organizations like Bernie Sanders’ Our Revolution and the Women’s March movements have sparked the flames of resistance and inspired many to  stand up against injustice.


Huffington Post - Here's whats wrong with Bluelivesmatter

Complex - Why Blue Lives Matter Is Just as Dangerous as White Lives Matter

AlterNet - Is Blue Lives Matter a Racist Hate Group?

BOOYA_editorials Nov 27 '17 · Comments: 1 · Tags: #bluelivesmatter, hate group, politics, usa