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Beau_D Adminstrator
Public Statement for Release:
Response to Public Budget Meeting (Sent to the office of O.Chow - January 22nd 2024)

As both a public community and as the publisher of BOOYA Magazine, we are congratulating the Toronto Council Budget Meeting for listening to the public’s concerns and opposition to limiting the ever growing Toronto Police Services budget. As Toronto citizens are facing economic hardships and growing instabilites, Toronto Police have been historically used recklessly and often, violently enforce misdeminor crimes on the poor, unsheltered, black, indigenous and LGBTQAI+ communities. 

Adding 300 more officers to the street of Toronto serves only as a punishment to the individuals of these communities living and working in Toronto. Despite Doug Ford’s declaration of there being no “systemic racism in Canada”, public records show that black males are some 20 times more likely to be shot by police. Increasing the number of police WILL NOT make Toronto safer for these communities.

In addition, several lawsuits from First Nations and Human Rights groups have police on the hook for continued police abuses against these communities. Giving additional funding without any actions or changes to how the police interact and oppress these communities with slogans and paraphernalia like ‘Blue Lives Matter’ on their uniforms.

We believe that a public audit must be conducted to further hold public policing accountable. We are seeking a better, publicly accountable police force and this was a small step in the correct direction.

I would like to let you know that our complete and full support from our many communities and this publication in particular.

Thank you generously,
(Public Liason/Publisher)
BOOYA Magazine

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